Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Vest, New Puppy?

Hey everyone! It has been awhile since I posted lately, but not much has been going on. My owner has been trying to get out and put flyers up, but with school now in full swing it is hard to find any spare time. I heard that I am getting a new vest though. This vest will be much more official than the backpack I have. It will look like the puppy raising vests although it will say something along the lines of "TSA Puppy Raising Program" and have a patch saying "I am friendly. Ask to pet me." I think the vest will either be green or red. As soon as I get pictures of my new vest I will post some.

Also on the puppy front, right now there are no puppies to be placed in our area. We need more volunteers bad! There is a litter coming at the beginning of December and a couple more after that. So hopefully in early 2009 a puppy will be ready for us to raise. Other than that I will try and keep everyone posted about how the flyers and vest works out.
