Just to recap, we arrived to our lake house Sunday, July 25, in the afternoon. We mainly lounged and unpacked while Ggoody took it upon herself to smell every last inch of the house to make sure everything was ok.
On Monday my family and I rented a ski boat, but Ggoody had to stay behind for safety reasons (ie: high speed of the boat for tubing, choppy water, etc.)
Tuesday we rented a pontoon boat that Ggoody was allowed to go on. She loved it, except when she fell into the water by accident, but all was well after she got back onto the boat. After that ordeal she fell asleep on the bench inside the boat.
On Wednesday we were supposed to have a ski boat however the boat we had, had issues so instead we took out another pontoon boat. Ggoody tagged along again. She loved the wind in her face! When we got back, I went fishing that evening and caught a small bluegill! Ggoody had no idea what to do with the fish. She just smelled it and looked at it funny, then watched it swim away when I released it. I didn't have my camera with me so no pictures of the fish.
Thursday was another ski boat day so Ggoody spent the day with my grandma and grandpa liked she did on Monday. She even got a rawhide bone because she was being so good!
Then Friday came and we had to leave. Ggoody got one last round of fetch in before we had to head out. Overall it was a great trip. I think Ggoody proved herself worthy of accompaning our family on more trips. Sadly vacation is over and we are back to reality...
Ggoody is all packed and ready for vacation!
One pooped pup!
Ggoody was fascinated by the waves in the lake.

Ggoody on the boat

Checking out the water by our boat dock
Until next time,
Addie and Ggoody