Monday, July 6, 2009

We're Back! (Short Update)

I am back from California and Llarson is back from the puppy sitters. This is just a quick update on Llarson's dad, the rest of the update will be a little later. The monthly news letter from the TSA Puppy Program came in today and I am proud to anounce that Llarson's dad made the program and graduated! Llarson's dad Aabel graduated and will be working in Colorado. Four of Aabel's siblings also graduated and are now working. Seeing Llarson's dad graduate gives me high hopes for Llarson.

-Addie, Ggoody & Llarson

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Peyton said...

Good job Aabel and siblings! Hopefully Llarson can follow in Daddy's footsteps.