We haven't heard much about Llarson in awhile because several of the people who will be working with him are out of town for a week or so. We did hear about a week ago that Llarson has been making progress with his behavior so hopefully he will be able to come home soon. I can't wait to see how big he has gotten as he is now 5 and 1/2 months old! Here are some pictures of Llarson in the morning right before he left.
Ggoody has been enjoying herself lately, being the top dog again. Although there is some bad news, but with a good prognosis for Ggoody. Back in October, Ggoody had a seizure and it scared us to death, but she only had one and we figured maybe she got into some fertilizer that one of the neighbors might have put down so we did not worry to much since she seemed fine after that. She had another one in April, but again it was just one seizure. Then about 2-3 weeks ago she had another seizure and one of the worst ones since she lost complete bowel control and seemed much more disoriented afterward. My mom rushed her to the vet and she got a complete blood work up, but everything was normal. We think she could possibly have epilepsy, but there is nothing we can do since she only has seizures every so often and the medication severly damages the liver so in the long run it would not be worth it to put her on medication. The good news for Ggoody is that she will be fine, but might experience a seizure every so often, so we are taking every precaution to make sure nothing bad happens to her and she stays safe.
On a brighter note last weekend we had the pleasure of taking care of our neighbor's cocker spaniel, Missy, while she went away for a Mother's Day weekend. We had a lot of fun with Missy. We brought her to our house during the day so she would have some company and plus Ggoody and Missy are best friends. Here are some pictures of Missy in my room on a dog bed that I put down for her so she could be comfortable while I was on the computer.
Also here is a picture of Ggoody tucked into all of the blankets on my bed. My dad wrapped her up and she fell asleep! It cracked me up so I had to get a picture of it.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
-Addie, Ggoody, and Llarson
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