To start off, Llarson went back to Lackland Airforce Base for his 6 month evaluation on June 6 and returned June 13. He got a great report that said he is progressing well for his breed and age. The only issue he had was "hupping" on different surfaces. "Hup" is a command we use to get the dog to jump up and put their front paws on a countertop or other surface. This shocked me since we haven't had an issue with that command at all, but we are taking extra measures to get him to "hup" when we are out on outings.
Speaking of outings, about two weeks ago Llarson had a nice outing. We went to Costco, Hobby Lobby (just a quick trip in), and finally Petsmart. He was great! Llarson loves the cool tile floors inside the stores since it has been really hot here in central Texas.
The next outing Llarson went on was on Thursday where we went to H-E-B (our grocery store) and we walked around the shopping center there. Llarson was fine. The only issue we need to work on is lunging for people. He gets really excited when he sees people and then he tries to jump on them. Once I got him to sit and wait he was fine. We also checked out a neat, new, little pet store that was in the shopping center. Llarson was awesome and even ignored the little bunnies and parakeets that were running or flying around the cages!
And finally we arrive at today. This morning I took Llarson up to the park to work with him on his long leash. We haven't used his long leash in awhile so I want to make the effort to use it more often. After he settled down and stopped chewing the leash he began exploring the field and playground.
Here are some pictures from the excursion...
This picture made me simile.
Use that nose Llarson!
This one makes me think of the African savannah and Llarson is a lion!
P.S I am going to California next week to visit my uncle so Llarson will be going to a puppy sitter during that time. I will try to post when I get back.
-Addie, Ggoody & Llarson
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