Monday, February 15, 2010

No Foster Dog

Sorry for the lack of an update, but it ended up not working out with the foster dog. We were going to foster a female German Shepherd mix named Gracie, however, my dad was not completely on board with the idea so we had to put fostering on hold. My dad likes animals, but he is not in love with them like me and mom are. I am going to talk with him in the next few weeks and see if we can work out some sort of compromise. I was devastated when my mom told me we were not fostering dogs for awhile. I love fostering and raising dogs that I cannot see myself giving this up. I am going off to college in August and raising dogs will be on hold for a few years so I want to be as involved as I can for the time being. My dad has been supportive of me raising Ggoody and Llarson, even Bowser (I think he secretly loved that dog and was sad to see him go) that I think he just wanted a break from "visiting" dogs. In the meantime I think I will go up to our local animal shelter and walk dogs to get my complete dog fix.

I am happy to report that Gracie found her forever home no more than two weeks after being in the foster program. Hopefully I will be able to foster dogs in the near future and I will definitely update with any news.

-Addie & Ggoody

1 comment:

Infrequent Flyers said...

Wow, that's hard--but I think it's great that you are honoring your dad's wishes. It does affect everyone in the household, and everyone needs to be on the same page. Good idea to help out at the animal shelter--I am impressed by your resilience as well as your flexibility.